IMAGHyNE : the large scale hydrogen valley

Le 24/06/2024


Version française

IMAGHyNE (Investment to Maximise the Ambition for Green Hydrogen iN Europe) will pave the way for the development of a large-scale renewable hydrogen economy in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, fully integrated in the energy system and addressing the needs of high emitting sectors.

IMAGHyNe covers the whole value chain: production of renewable and low-carbon hydrogen, its storage, transport, distribution and uses for industry, energy and mobility. The project also aims to replicate the results in other European regions and thus contribute to the deployment of the EU hydrogen strategy.

Covering a period of 6 years (2024 to 2029), IMAGHyNE is worth €200M, including €20M in grants from the Clean Hydrogen Partnership (CHP), obtained as part of the "Large Scale Hydrogen Valley" call for projects in 2023. Coordinated by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region, the project brings together nearly 40 European partners in 6 countries (France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany and Switzerland).

Preview image for the video "IMAGHyNE coordinated by Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes".
Preview image for the video "IMAGHyNE, european large scale hydrogen valley project".

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